Professional & Certified
Secured Deliver Guarantee
Celerity in Motion, Precision in Service!

About Our

Welcome to Prompt Xpress International (Pvt) Ltd , the newest addition to Sri Lanka’s leading domestic courier service. With over a million parcels delivered island-wide, our reputation for reliability precedes us. Boasting a network of over 80 branches and a team of 500+ seasoned professionals in the courier industry, Prompt Xpress has long been the go-to choice for local deliveries. Now, we’re proud to announce our expansion into the international market with Prompt Xpress International.

Our commitment to excellence remains unwavering as we extend our reach beyond borders, ensuring swift and secure delivery of your packages worldwide. Experience the same trusted service on a global scale with Prompt Xpress International.

Streamlined Solutions, Swift Results!

Our Expanded

Our Branch Network
Seasoned professionals
Our Delivery Countries

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